Our vision
Cliniserve's vision is to relieve the burden on nursing staff through our digital solutions. In doing so, we are united by our passion to create new nursing work models with our software in order to counteract the nursing shortage. With this vision we were able to establish our solution into well renowned hospitals like the university clinics UKSH and LMU. Furthermore there are 30+ other clinics using our solutions.
Perfect, because we're hiring for new visionaries to complete our Cliniserve family.
You want to take on a little more responsibility every day in a creative and colorful StartUp?
Then apply now - we are looking forward to your application!
Besides our three founders Julian Nast-Kolb, Jaakko Nurkka and Quirin Körner, we are a young and ambitious team that is growing fast and is supported by investors like PlugandPlay, Miele and Bayern Kapital.
Our values
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Erfahren Sie, auf welchen Messen und Events Sie uns oder unsere Kunden treffen können – eine ideale Gelegenheit für persönlichen Austausch. Wir informieren Sie außerdem über aktuelle Medienberichte und neue Anwendungsfelder unserer Software, die die Pflege effizienter und angenehmer machen.
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